Trade Path

Mars Find

Sci Fi Hallway

Power Source

Razorcrag Isle


Mars Find (work in progress)

I built a few scenes in the UDK game engine. Still working on final scene layouts. After I got to this stage, I set this project aside for a while to focus on some freelance work. I recently decided to migrate the scene over to Unreal 4, and I’m currently in the process of updating assets to include more detail for the Unreal 4 engine.




Photoshop Paintings

forest ruinbeach-lostbearODonnell_J_ruins

Photoshop fun


Other 3D

ODonnell_Jeff_showPiece2 ODonnell_Jeff_showPiece3

SOE Mentorship Program

This was a group project through the Art Institute of California San Diego and mentored by art directors and artists from Sony Online Entertainment. As the Co-Lead on this project, I assisted with asset creation and was  in charge of asset placement in engine, lighting, and style management.